Frequently Asked Questions

What is the tax year?

Throughout the State of New Hampshire, the tax year runs from April 1st through the following March 31st. Assessment of your property is based on the value as of April 1st each year and appears on your tax bill.

How often and when will I be billed?
There are two bills per year. The first bill of the year is an estimate, based on one half of the previous year’s tax rate. This bill, printed and mailed out during the month of May/June, is due in July. The tax rate is set in the fall of the year, after which the final bill is printed. The final bill is calculated using the new rate multiplied by your property’s assessed value as of April 1st, less any payment made to the first bill. The final bill is printed and mailed from October/November dependent on when the tax rate is set.

What if I didn’t get a tax bill?
Bills are sent to the address of the last known owner as required by state law. The Assessor’s office and Tax Collector’s office update their records according to real estate transfers received from the Grafton County Registry of Deeds, after they are recorded. Your attorney or closing company should have checked the status of the taxes due. However, it is your responsibility, as the new owner, to make sure the taxes are paid and to advise us of your mailing address in writing. Interest at 12% per annum is charged on the tax bills not paid by the due date and interest at 18% per annum is charged on tax bills not paid by the lien date.

Tax Assessor

Assessor for Orford – Todd Haywood

The assessor is in the Town Office the 4th Wednesday each month. If you’d like to schedule an appointment with him, please contact the Administrative Assistant at #603-353-4889

Contact & Hours

Tax Collector – the Tax Collector’s office is in the Town Office
Debbie Hadlock – Tax Collector
Deputy Tax Collector – Susan Hinchliffe
Office Hours: Thursday 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

How do I check on what my taxes are based?

Taxpayers desiring any information in regard to assessment, exemptions, veteran’s credit or change in address should refer all inquiries to the assessors’ office 603-353-4889 or Tax Collectors office at 603-353-4404.