
The Niles Trust Fund was established in 1991 following a generous bequest of $50,000 to the Town of Orford made by Mrs. Eleanor Niles in 1988. Following their move to town in 1950, Mrs Niles and her husband, Harry, developed a fondness of Orford and its citizens and left this gift to be used for activities and opportunities that will benefit Orford residents. A Committee established by the town voters in 1990 recommended that an appropriation representing accrued interest of the Fund be made at the annual Town Meeting. Further, it was agreed that funds will be used to improve community facilities and sponsor organizations and individuals with financial aid for opportunities that otherwise may be unattainable. Over recent years, the Fund has supported special activities of the Orford School sports program, community plantings by the Orford Garden Club, installation of a community bulletin board at the Post Office, and sponsorship of Orford students to participate in extracurricular educational activities.


Jennifer Tilden, Chair
Ann Green
Melinda Ricker
Dave Cocker
Ruth Hook

Contact & Hours

Orford residents, and town wide committees and organizations are encouraged to consider applying for funding for needs which will benefit the town and its residents. Applications are available on the Orford website and at the Town Office. Requests are reviewed by a five member committee.

For further information, contact Jennifer Tilden, Chair, 603-353-4625