
The Orford Road Committee will assist the Road Agent with project planning, estimating for bids and other major items that impact the highway department. The committee will be made up of a maximum of five people, serving 1-year terms, with experience in any of the following highway department related areas: road construction; road maintenance; vehicle or heavy equipment operation or maintenance; bid writing including performance specifications; safety; computer hardware or software; or building layout or building construction. The Road Agent and a Selectboard member will attend the committee meetings as non-voting participants.

The road committee will work with the road agent to:

  1. Recommend annual road maintenance priorities and budget
  2. Recommend emergency road infrastructure repair
  3. Recommend annual road and culvert repair priorities and budget
  4. Develop and maintain long range road infrastructure capital repair plan and running estimate for same
  5. Provide subject matter expertise on municipal road maintenance, repair and construction, including contract / proposal review and estimates.
  6. Provide subject matter recommendation on building layout, building construction or building retrofit.

The means of communication will be in writing from the road committee via email or handed document with date of acceptance of delivery. If the Road Agent does not accept recommendation/s, then the Road Agent will put in writing the reason for not accepting the road committee recommendation/s

Note: This written notification will be provided to the chair of the road committee within 30 days.


Charles Smith, Jr., Chair [email protected]

Mike Wright [email protected]

Herb Austic [email protected]

Larry Taylor, Selectboard Liaison

Contact & Hours

No information provided.